Feb 24, 2012

Chapter Report 3: A Methodical History of Language Teaching

In language teaching and learning, we recognize three important terms; approach, method, and technique. Those terms are important to be known by teachers because they will be applied in planning and conducting teaching and learning activity. Basically, approach refers to the theoretical frameworks and beliefs underlying the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and the pedagogical implications. Meanwhile, method is a systematic presentation of language based on the selected approach. It usually deals with how to reach the objectives or goals of language learning itself. In addition to that, we also recognize the technique in language learning. Technique refers to the specific activities applied in the classroom which are related to the approach and method used with the purpose to realize the lesson objectives. The activities include exercise or tasks used in the language classroom (Brown, 2001: 14-16).

There are many well-known methodologies in language learning; the grammar translation method, Gouin and the series method, the direct method, the audiolingual method, cognitive code learning, designer method, etc (Brown, 2001). Some of them would be seen as a traditional one, or some would be a modern one. In fact, the methodologies in language teaching and learning developed as the world changed. The new methodologies appear based on a research or the needs of the language itself. Based on that reason, probably, there is no best methodology to be applied in the classroom since both traditional and modern methodologies could be used depending on the students’ needs and teachers’ preference. Besides, they also have their own advantages and disadvantages. In this case, this is the teachers’ job to decide the most possible methodology to be applied in their classroom by considering students’ needs and the nature of language and language learning.

The grammar translation method is a very classical language learning methodology in the world. According to Brown (2001: 18) this method emphasize on the studying of grammar (language structures), vocabulary memorization, translation a text, and writing exercise. Teachers who applied this methodology tend to teach the grammar explicitly without explaining any context in which such grammar should be used. In addition to that, the classroom is often not communicative since teachers would give a long explanation on grammar. It is ironic because teachers did not teach the nature of language – the communicative competence. Although this method, old school method, is not effective to build up students’ communicative competence, still there are many teachers who applied it in the classroom. For instance, when I was in Junior High School, my English teacher often explained the vocabulary and grammatical structure during the classroom activity. He gave a very limited chance to students to speak up. As a result, even though I mastered the grammatical structures, I still have a difficulty in delivering my ideas orally. It happened when I took the English practical test at the end of third grade in Junior High School. In line with this, Brown (2001: 19) said that the grammar translation method does virtually nothing to enhance a student communicative ability in the language.

In the view point of the series method and the direct method, the second or foreign language learning should be set as natural as the first language (Brown, 2001: 19-21). It is important since naturally human learn a language in sequence: from the easiest to the most difficult one. Based on the statement above, teachers tend to avoid the explicit explanation of grammar since it is too complex to be understood. For instance, teachers should provide the activity which stimulates students to communicate. Besides, they should also create the classroom situation which allows students to get many exposures in TL.

Meanwhile, the community language learning developed by Charles Curran (1972), emphasize on the affective domain of the learners. This method focused on the social dynamic between teacher and student in the classroom activity since he believed that language was essentially used for social communication tool (Brown, 2001: 25). Teacher who apply this method will position himself to be a counselor. Through this role, teacher facilitated students with a close understanding so that students would be more comfortable during the lesson. I experienced this kind of activity when I was in the High School. Mostly, teacher grouped students into small groups consisting of 4-5 people. We were asked to discuss certain topics dealing with the materials delivered. When we were facing the difficulty to reach a conclusion, she actually facilitated us by giving some explanation and the analogy of similar case, of course, with a friendly gesture and expression.

The most debatable method in language teaching and learning is the communicative language teaching. This method is a little bit similar with the community language learning on the focus point of language use. According to Brown (2001: 34) this method views the language as a system for the expression of meaning; primary function – interaction and communication. Teachers can provide a rich activity through this method. Generally, they will provide the activity which drills students’ ability in communication; discussion, problem-solving, etc. Besides, teachers also provide as many authentic materials as possible. These authentic materials will relate what students have learned in classroom to the reality of using language in real-life situations. The explanation of grammar or structure of the text will also be accommodated by this method, but, of course implicitly after students have understood the contexts to use it. It could be applied even for the young learners. As I observed on the teaching demonstration presented by Ibu Ika, she (teacher) could simplify the explanation on grammar through an easy way: relating it to the context and students’ prior knowledge. Besides, she also provided many activities to stimulate students to speak up. In fact, by a well classroom management, she also gave the equal opportunity to almost students to speak up. It was important since she, as a teacher, could stimulate students to learn more in order to achieve the objectives – the communicative competence. Besides, in communicative language teaching, teachers also have to consider to what their students’ needs and wants (Brown, 2001: 34). For instance, if teachers are teaching mechanical engineering students, they should provide the materials which is suitable for them; how to read a manual, how to handle customer, etc. Such materials will probably be used for their future working situation so that teachers, in this case, also support students’ to achieve not only the objectives of the course, but also their future career.  

Feb 21, 2012

Short Summary: The Language-Culture Connection

Language has a strong relationship with the culture. The use of language will reflect the culture of certain communities or societies. This means that the language cannot be separated from its culture. When someone is learning one language, he/she will also learn its culture both directly and indirectly. It also happens when we are teaching EFL to the students. As a teacher, we should connect our classroom activity to the culture in which the language is used. In line with this, Brown (2001: 64) stated that whenever teachers teach a language, they also teach a complex system of cultural customs, values, and ways of thinking, feeling, and acting of the speakers of the Target Language. 

In conducting the classroom activities, teachers should also consider to the objectives or goals of the course itself. For instance, the goal for EFL is to give the knowledge of English which is useful for students’ future working or academic achievement. Basically, students in EFL country do not have any immediate needs to use English in daily activity. They only use English, mostly, in classroom. Based on the reasons above, although there is no immediate need to use English, teachers should, at least, let them acculturate with the culture of language they are learning for by providing a rich, contextual activity in the classroom. Through the contextual activities provided by the teachers, the acquisition of the TL will be increasing although they only get the TL exposure in classroom. In line with this, Brown (2001: 65) added that students’ language acquisition will be more successful with the help of contextual activities allowing them to adapt the new cultural milieu. 

There are some useful activities which can be applied by teachers dealing with the Language-Cultural principles, such as; 
  •  Conducting a cross-cultural discussion between the culture of students’ country and the culture of Target Language. In this activity, students can learn the strengths and weaknesses of each culture. For example, they are asked to discuss why most people in English speaking country really appreciate time, why we should maintain the eye-contact when we are having conversation with other people, etc.
  •  Explaining the cultural connotations, especially the sociolinguistics aspect, of language (Brown, 2001: 64).
  • Choosing the most appropriate contextual materials to be taught to the students (not containing cultural offensive aspects). For example, teachers should provide the materials which are free from gender bias, culture bias, and racism.
  •  Conducting an activity which can encourage students to promote their own culture using English. For example, asking students to discuss their cultures and presenting the result of discussion in front of the class.

Besides, teachers should also help students to be aware of acculturation and its stages. If they found some misunderstanding when relating the culture of TL and the culture of students, teacher should assist them to, at least, understand the difference of both cultures by giving the explanation that there is no culture better than others. In this case, teachers should give explanation that students can take the benefit from the TL cultures which is harmonious with their culture. Besides, teachers should pay more attention to the importance of TL as a powerful tool for adjustment in the new culture (Brown, 2001: 65). 

Generally the Language-Cultural principle has the similarities on the classroom application and implication with the Language Ego and Self-Esteem principles. The understanding between language and its culture will help students’ affective developmental process (Brown, 2001: 65). Thus, by considering the language-culture relationship, students can express their ideas or opinions, as well as their emotions, through the language they are learning for.

Feb 20, 2012

Chapter Report 2: The Principles of Language Teaching and Learning

There are some foundation principles which have to be considered when we are teaching language; cognitive principles, affective principles, and linguistic principles. Those principles should be applied by teachers in order to make their teaching and learning activity more meaningful.

In terms of cognitive principles, teachers should make their activity stimulating for the learners. Basically, the term ‘cognitive’ relates to the mental and intellectual function (Brown, 2001: 55). There are some important aspects which can motivate learners to involve in their activity, such as; automaticity, meaningful learning, reward, motivation, and strategic investment. 

Meanwhile, in terms of the affective principles, teachers should recognize that their learners have different characteristics. Therefore, they have to consider to language ego, self-confidence, risk-taking, and the language-culture connection. 

In terms of linguistic principles, teacher should pay more attention to the native language effect, interlanguage, and communicative competence since we are teaching the learners which have different culture and language structure from the Target Language (TL).

Generally, when we are teaching the foreign language learners, as a teacher, we should make the class situation as interesting as possible. So that learners will get motivated with the activity. To make it more meaningful, teachers should focus their activity on the objectives or goals of the course, since if we miss it students will get nothing from our lessons. Trying to make the activity focusing on language use rather than language structure is better because we know that learners, probably, get the TL exposure only in the classroom. 

The application of considering students’ needs and objectives of the course is probably best suit for Vocational High School students. They have their own needs depending on what majors they take. They need foreign language exposure to support them to communicate in future working situations. So, the activity that teachers provide should, at least, represent their future working situations.

Besides, teachers also have to know that their native language will greatly affect on the TL acquisition (Brown, 2001: 65). Based on that reason, when teachers found some mistakes on their students language use, teachers should not judge it wrong or inappropriate since there is a different structure between TL and L1. To avoid this, teacher’s feedback will be beneficial for them. For example, through teachers’ feedback, learner will recognize their weaknesses. Besides, learners also can revise their mistakes sooner or later. In addition to that, to gain communicative competence at the end of the course, teachers should provide the activity as authentic as possible since language is used in real-life situations.

The appearance (physical appearance) of teachers plays an important part in their teaching success. The appearance or physical presence it is not only the way they dressed up, but also their movement, the way they stand, gestures, their contact with students, etc. (Harmer, 2007: 15). Based on the statement above, teacher can use their physical characteristics to control the activity in classroom. For example, teacher movement during the activity will give some benefits; give the equal attention to every student, control the students during the activity, etc. In fact, many students will get easily bored if their teachers do not make any movement during the teaching and learning activity – sitting on their chair all the time. Most of successful teachers move around the classroom to some extent. It is used to attract students’ interest in their teaching and learning activity (Harmer, 2007: 16).

Besides, the teachers’ voice is also important to be considered. Teachers should manage their voice well in classroom so that every student, even for those who are sitting at the back or corner, could hear their explanation clearly. It doesn’t mean that teachers need to shout, but they should adjust their voice volume since we know that shouting in the classroom will bring a negative impact on learners’ feeling. Besides, teacher can also use their voice (intonation) to emphasize to some important things. Through this emphasize, students will easily recognize what the main point of the lesson is. 

A good teacher can provide many integrated activity to their students. Besides, they will also be responsible to time. In this case, teacher should arrange the classroom activity from the easiest one to the most challenging one. It is important because through staging the activity we can see students’ progress. We cannot provide the most challenging activity first, since students need to be stimulated to reach that stage. During the activity, teacher should also tell to the students about the objectives of the lesson; what we are going to learn, how many activities in the lesson, etc. it will help students to make a clear awareness of the end of something and the beginning of what is coming next (Harmer, 2007: 17).

For many teachers, seating arrangement is one of important factors to be considered in classroom. The way teachers arrange their students’ seating position will bring (dis)advantages on their teaching and learning activity. There are some well-known seating arrangement, such as; orderly rows, circle, separate table, and horsehoe (Harmer, 2007: 18). In fact, there are no best seating arrangements to be applied in the classroom. Each of them has its own (dis)advantages so that teacher can choose seating arrangement depending on their preference and condition. The seating arrangement will also help teachers to grouping their students on the particular learning activity. When, for example, teachers want their students to have a small discussion teacher can arrange the seating arrangement into separate table which each of the table will be consist of five students (group work). It gives benefit to learners since they can be controlled easily. In addition, teachers can also interact and give a close attention when learners are doing group work.

Actually, there are some ways to grouping the students. Teachers can ask them to work in pair, work in group of five people, solowork, and even a whole class. The grouping itself depends to a large extent on teacher style and students preferences (Harmer, 2007: 21). Teacher will get some benefits form grouping their students. For example, teachers can save their energy to control their students if they are asked to work in group, teachers will easily give feedback to some students who need extra explanation, and through grouping students will have the equal opportunity to speak and share their ideas on particular topics. 

There are some principles should be paid attention carefully by the teachers in conducting teaching and learning activity; Engage, Study, and Activate (ESA) (Harmer, 2007: 25). Engage means that in planning the activity, teacher should, as interesting as possible, make an activity which attracts and stimulates students’ motivation in learning. In this case, teacher could use games, picture, music, video, and other media to avoid students’ boredom. Meanwhile, study refers to the activities dealing with the language features (grammar, lexical, structure, etc.). In this case, teacher should ask their students to analyze language features from sound to discourse. Activity refers to whole activities or tasks which are designed to get students using language as freely and communicatively as possible (Harmer, 2007: 26). In this case, students are provided with the exercises which represent the use of language in real life situation.

Feb 14, 2012

Don't Let Yourself to be A Trash

We can easily find the trash in every single places in our environment, including classroom. Imagine that if you are learning in a classroom where there are many thrashes in every single corners. Is it comfortable? Or is it familiar for you?

Why does it happen? Probably, it happens because of human creativity; they seek and utilize everything to be a trash bin. So, they are very creative, aren't they?

Although trash can easily be found everywhere, don't let yourself to be a trash...

Feb 13, 2012

Chapter Report 1 - Knowing Learners and Teacher Role

There are some important factors dealing with student which have to be taken into account by teachers in order to make their teaching and learning activity will be more meaningful and understandable by the students such as age, learner differences, and motivation.

In term of age, teachers have to decide the most suitable material to be taught to their learner. Young learners tend to be the enthusiastic and curious learners. But, they will also easily get bored when they are learning. In this case, teachers have to provide a rich, fun activity which allows them to be involved actively in teaching-learning activity using the environment as a media. In line with this Harmer (2002 p. 38) stated that teacher also have to set the classroom condition as interesting as possible to avoid students’ boredom.

Meanwhile, when we are facing the adolescence learner we have to make a different activity from the one made for young learner. At this age, learners tend to be uncooperative since they are in a process of searching identity (Harmer, 2002 p. 38). Mainly, the external problems faced by them often influence their performance in learning. Actually, if they are provided by the materials related to their characteristics, they will be more actively involved. In line with this, Harmer (2002 p. 39) said that teenagers, if they are engaged, have a great capacity to learn, a great potential for creativity, and a passionate commitment to things which interest them. 

According to Harmer (2002: 40) adult learners tend to be more critical if they find that the teaching method is not suitable. Besides, they are more discipline than teenagers. To make learning activity meaningful, teachers should provide, in my opinion the most appropriate activity is by conducting group or class discussion. Through this way, they can implement their own experiences in learning activity. Besides, teachers should be able to conduct a more challenging yet entertaining activity which can expose what students know about the particular materials. 

In classroom, teachers may find students who can learn language better than others. But, they also may find the slow-learners. It is difficult to accommodate them in one learning activity. If some students can get the point of what have been delivered, how about the rest? Based on my own experiences in high school, teachers provided various activities in their class. This actually accommodates the slow-learner to understand the main point of certain materials. Besides, she also gave enrichment tasks to those who have done better in class, and also gave remedial tasks to help those who fail. 

According to Willing (1987) adapted from Harmer (2002: 43) there are four learning styles in language learning: convergers (solitary learner), conformist (dependent learner), concrete learner, and communicative learner. When teachers are planning the activity, they have to consider whether it is suitable for them. Besides, they also need to pay more attention to them who need an extra treatment of language learning. Overall, teachers, in this case, need to make an activity which is best for group (whole students) and also for individuals within it (Harmer, 2002 p. 44).

Language proficiency levels basically are divided into three categories; beginner, intermediate, and advance. In delivering the materials, teacher needs to pay attention on the language used. For instance, we cannot use a complex language if we are teaching elementary students since it is not relevant with their characteristics. So, although teachers have a good proficiency in English, they should adjust their English to the level they are working with (Harmer, 2002: 45). Besides, the language used in classroom should be motivated the students to learn. In this case, teachers may use, at least, understandable English according to learners’ language level.

Regardless of any learner differences, teachers also need to recognize their student motivation in learning. As we know, they learn language with different kind of motivation; getting a job, continuing study, working abroad, studying abroad, etc. Basically, Harmer (2002: 51) stated that they are two kind of motivations, extrinsic motivation (motivation which is influenced by outside factors), and intrinsic motivation (motivation which comes form individual itself). Besides, teachers should also be able to direct and increase students motivation through stating a clear goal or objectives from the course, making conducive learning environment, and making the interesting classes. 

Besides knowing the learners, teachers also have to recognize their roles in classroom. This is very important to make their job more effective and meaningful.

In classroom, teachers’ function is not only the transmitter of information to students, but they are also a controller, an organizer, an assessor, a prompter, a participant, a resource, a tutor, and an observer (Harmer, 2002: 57-62). 

Based on the statement above, I will point out two teacher’s role; a controller and an assessor. First is teacher as a controller. The teachers have to be able to control the class by giving a clear instruction of what students need to do during their activity. In this case, teacher as controller is seen as the person who has influence to give inspiration to the students with his/her knowledge and charisma (Harmer, 2002: 58). It is true that teacher should be charismatic in classroom. Based on my experience, teachers who are charismatic are more respected by the students. Besides, the clarity when they are delivering materials is actually encouraged us to study harder. In addition, they will be assumed as a smart teacher - having a thorough knowledge in English. Of course, teachers should have a thorough knowledge of what they are delivered since teacher is seen as a very important resource in classroom. Many students believe that teacher was the smartest person there. 

The second one is teacher as an assessor. Being an assessor means that they have to judge their students as fair as possible based on their performance in the class. Besides, teachers also offer feedback and correction and grade them in various ways (Harmer, 2002: 59). Grading or scoring is very important to see whether their students make an improvement or not after teaching and learning activity. To make it clear, teacher should make criteria for the assessment itself so that students will know how and for what purpose they are assessed. For example, most of the lecturers in English Education Department do this role very well. They told us the scoring criteria (rubrics) at the beginning of the course. So, at the end of the course – if we fail – we cannot argue with the score given by the lecturers. 

Besides the roles explained above, teacher can also be a teaching media, language model, and provider of comprehensible input (Harmer, 2002: 64). Harmer (2002: 65) stated that mimes, expression, and gestures can be used as a source for conveying meaning and atmosphere. Teachers should be able to use many expressions, gestures, and mimes in order to avoid boredom during the activity, especially when they are teaching young learners. As we know that young learners, even adult learners, will get bored if their teacher cannot provide interesting and challenging learning activity. The use of gestures, mimes, and expression will become the ice breaking in teaching-learning activity. 

As a matter of fact, teacher can also be the language model for their students. Besides getting the language model from textbooks, reading materials, and audio and videotapes, learners tend to imitate their teachers’ language when, for example, saying the dialogue, reading aloud texts, and delivering materials (Harmer, 2002: 65). It makes clear that if the teacher is delivering the materials, he/she should use, at least, understandable English and try to minimize the pronunciation errors since he/she acts as a language model for the students.

Feb 8, 2012

Buah Jatuh Tak Akan Jauh dari Pohonnya

Beberapa minggu lalu saya mendengar cerita dari seorang kerabat mengenai perilaku dan cara berbahasa, sebut saja, keponakannya (A). Keponakan dari kerabat saya itu baru kelas dua sekolah dasar. Dia bercerita mengenai kekecewaan yang dialami oleh A. Ia (A) mendapatkan hasil/nilai yang kurang memuaskan dalam ulangan harian pelajaran Bahasa Daerah (Sunda). Hal ini terjadi karena adanya banyak kesalahan ketika mengerjakan soal-soal ulangan harian tersebut, yang padahal menurut si A jawabannya itu benar. Lantas, si A menyalahkan sang 'mamah' karena malam sebelum ulangan harian itu dia belajar didampingi oleh mamah-nya.

Setelah mendengar cerita yang lebih jelas mengenai hal tersebut, akhirnya diketahui bahwa ada beberapa kesalahan dalam pengisian kata yang sesuai dengan kaidah Basa Sunda yang baik. Sebagai contoh, kata 'kening/jidat' yang dalam bahasa Sunda berarti taar/tarang, dalam soal ulangan harian, A jawab dengan taher - tarang herang. Mengapa menjawab demikian? Hal ini bermula ketika A belajar dengan mamah-nya. Ketika A bertanya mengenai hal tersebut, mamahnya menjawab " ...nya, ai jidat mah basa Sundana taher weh". Karena masih anak-anak dan menganggap mamah-nya lebih tahu, A mungkin mengikuti dan membenarkan apa yang disebutkan oleh mamah-nya tadi sehingga ia menjawab soal ulangan yang menanyakan arti dari kata 'jidat/kening' dalam bahasa sunda standar dengan taher.

Selain itu, pernah suatu ketika A ditanya oleh gurunya mengenai cara orang tua ketika menasehati dan memarahinya. Lalu dengan polosnya A menirukannya di depan kelas, kurang lebih seperti ini ".... sia mah dasar gob*** dibere nyaho nu bener teh teu ngarti-ngarti, nu dilobakeun teh ulin jeung ulin bae. Ble*** sia mah". Mendengar dan menyaksikan apa yang A lakukan, gurunya, dalam hal ini wali kelasnya, segera menemui orang tua A dan memberitahukan untuk tidak menasehati dan memarahi anak dengan cara seperti itu karena hal tersebut dapat memberikan dampak yang buruk untuk prilaku, perkembangan, dan cara berbahasanya.

Menurut saya, A sebenarnya tidak salah, karena kata taher tersebut memang ada dalam bahasa sunda yang digunakan oleh lingkungan sekitar A. A itu masih anak-anak - cenderung polos dan gampang meniru apa yang dia dengar, lihat, dan rasakan di lingkungannya. Namun, yang menjadi permasalahan ialah cara pengajaran dan pembiasaan berbahasa dari orang tua A yang menurut saya kurang cocok. Di sekolah, umumnya, anak diarahkan untuk menggunakan bahasa yang formal dan standar apa pun itu: Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, atau Bahasa Daerah. Oleh karena itu, orang tua harus mengetahui bahwa anak-anak itu belajar dari hal-hal kecil, yang mungkin orang tua tidak sadari, yang ada disekelilingnya seperti; cara berbahasa, bersikap dan berprilaku, berinteraksi dengan orang tua, dan sebagainya.

Menurut referensi yang saya baca mengenai penerimaan bahasa pada anak, sebenarnya dari semenjak usia bayi, kurang lebih 3-5 bulan, mereka sudah bisa membedakan suara-suara yang dihasilkan oleh orang-orang disekitarnya. Kemudian hal ini akan berkembang dengan adanya produksi kata-kata sederhana pada usia 1 tahun. Pada usia ini pula, mereka sudah bisa memberikan reaksi terhadap apa yang orang tuanya katakan, seperti "ayo minum susu" maka si anak tersebut megarahkan tangannya pada botol susu. Ketika memasuki usia 2-3 tahun, si anak sudah bisa menerima beberapa struktur linguistik yang lebih rumit, contohnya, mereka sudah mulai mampu merangkaikan beberapa kata menjadi kalimat yang dapat dimengerti oleh orang dewasa. Dan pada usia pra sekolah (4 tahun), mereka sudah bisa menggunakan bahasa untuk berbagai situasi. Ketika memasuki usia sekolah, anak-anak sudah tahu bagaimana cara menggunakan bahasa ketika berbicara dengan orang yang lebih tua atau lebih dihormati. Disamping itu, mereka juga memiliki banyak kosa kata karena dihadapkan pada adanya kegiatan membaca yang diberikan oleh sekolah dan sudah mulai bisa membedakan ragam bahasa tulis dan lisan. Pada usia sekolah inilah, anak-anak mulai dikenalkan dengan berbagai bahasa standar, seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Asing, dan Bahasa Daerah. (Littlewood, 2006)

Mungkin banyak orang tua atau orang dewasa yang belum mengerti bahwa anak belajar bahasa mulai dari usia bayi. Untuk itulah, sebagai orang tua atau orang yang lebih mengerti, kita hendaknya bisa memberikan sebuah pembelajaran bahasa yang baik kepada anak yaitu dengan cara membiasakan diri dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang standar dan baik, apa pun itu bahasanya. Karena anak-anak, saya tegaskan, meresap pengetahuan dari sesuatu yang nyata; apa yang mereka lihat, apa yang mereka dengar dan apa yang mereka rasakan. Jika kita menggunakan bahasa yang, sebut saja, cenderung kasar, jangan salahkan apabila mereka juga menggunakan bahasa yang kasar pula. Karena ada pepatah mengatakan "buah tidak akan jatuh jauh dari pohonnya". Di samping itu semua, menurut saya lingkungan di mana anak itu tinggal juga berpengaruh terhadap cara berbahasanya. Jadi, ya tanamkan hal-hal baik untuk anak atau pun saudara kecil kita supaya mereka kelak bisa menjadi baik di kemudian hari.

Jika kita menanamkan sesuatu pada orang dewasa mungkin akan cepat dilupakan, namun jika kita menanamkan sesuatu kepada anak-anak, butuh waktu yang lama untuk melupakannya (Damayanti, 2012).

Feb 7, 2012

Ada-Ada Saja

Waktu pulang ke kosan, saya terkejut oleh satu hal yang menurut saya lucu, namun memprihatinkan. Ya jelas, apa lagi kalau bukan menemukan kasur yang dijemur di kabel listrik. Aneh bukan? Baru kali ini saya menemui hal tersebut. Lucu namun memprihatinkan.

Muncul beberapa pertanyaan dalam benak saya; apa iya hal ini umum dilakukan?, apa tidak berbahaya menjemur kasur di kabel listrik?, dan ada ya orang yang dengan sengaja menjemur kasur di kabel listrik? Mungkin banyak orang juga tau, bahkan anak kecil, bahwa hal tersebut berbahaya. Kalau terjadi keslahan; entah tiba-tiba kabelnya terkelupas atau putus, percikan apinya mungkin tidak hanya membakar kasur tersebut, tapi juga rumah di sekelilingnya. Lucu? Tidak lah pastinya.

Selidik punya selidik, ternyata 'pelaku'nya tak lain ialah putra dari sang pemilik rumah. Wah, hebat ya. Padahal halaman rumah cukup untuk menjemur kasur seukuran ini, jika tidak beliau bisa menggunakan tempat untuk menjemur pakaian di lantai atas. Tapi, ya mungkin Beliau memiliki alasan lain yang lebih rasional yang tidak saya tahu.

Yang membuat saya lebih prihatin ialah dengan status beliau yang notabene berpendidikan tinggi, pengajar, bahkan juga pendidik. Bukan bermaksud untuk merendahkan dan menyalahkan, namun apa beliau tidak memikirkan hal buruk yang mungkin terjadi? Apa pengalaman dan pengetahuannya selama ini kurang? Atau bagaimana?

Mungkin, ya, beliau mau mencoba untuk bereksperimen dengan kasurnya - tahan setrum atau tidak. Tapi, apa tidak terpikir olehnya bahwa ada pepatah mengatakan mencegah lebih baik dari mengobati? Ya itu semua cuma beliau dan Allah SWT yang tahu.

Ada yang tertarik untuk mencoba?

Ada-ada saja....

Feb 2, 2012

Reality of Our Education

As one of developing country in the world, our country, Indonesia faces many typical challenges on its development, such as economy, education, and health. For many years our country still struggles to solve those problems and improve the quality of services in economy, education, and health. In fact, the National Development program do not run well as expected because there are many problems challenging it, one of them is the quality of its human resources.

Education plays a key-role in developing human resource of our country. A country will develop steadily if its educational system runs well. Actually, our country’s education program is seen as a good one. The prospect of our education system is well designed. In fact, it faces many challenges that interrupt its success, for example; lack of professional teachers, quality, poverty, infrastructure, etc. Therefore, our country is left behind other developing countries.

The compulsory education planned by the government, stating that Indonesian citizens have to attend the nine-year education in elementary and junior high school, doesn’t run well as expected. The main factor supporting the fail of compulsory education in Indonesia is economy crisis. Due to the economy crisis, many people live in poverty so that they have to think twice if they want to send their children to school. The poor financial condition suffered by many Indonesian people makes the equalization of education in Indonesia doesn’t run well.

A survey conducted in Indramayu by a team from Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) and BAPPENAS in 2009  showed that approximately 50 % of the respondents (parents) were not satisfied to the quality of compulsory education in Indonesia (SD and SMP). Meanwhile, 70 % of the respondents were not satisfied to the school fees. It happens because many families’ income is not actually high. Therefore, they prefer to spend their money to fulfill their daily needs rather than to pay their children school fees. This problem leads to the children’s dropout from their school. According to the survey, the main reasons why they asked their children to stop schooling can be divided into two categories – economy and non-economy. The economy factors include; they do not earn enough money to fulfill the school fees which increase from-year-to-year, if they have more than two children, they cannot afford to fund their education fees together, etc. The non-economy factors, for instance, their children lose their spirit in studying, they thought that their children have already enough education, and their children are afraid of friends and school committees.

Based on the reasons above, I do agree that the government, in this case the Ministry of Education, has to find out a way to minimize students' drop out rate. Although the government has helped them with Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS), in fact, it does not work well since they also want the improvement quality of education service.

Although I am not an education expert, i think that providing the good human resources will be the good input for supporting our National Development Program. With those creative and innovative resources, the goal of the National Development Program, especially in education, seems to be achieved well. I can assume that if the goals’ of education – the good output from education process - is achieved well, our country will develop steadily in many major aspects such as economy, health, industry, etc. Therefore, we can also compete better with other countries in the world.


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